Here When You Need Us

When we tell people that we are an attorney, the most common response is “you must love to argue.” Maybe that is true for some attorneys, but for us, we view being an attorney as something different. We believe that being an attorney means that you love to find solutions to different problems.

Yes, sometimes that means the solution to the problem is to make an argument to a judge or jury using zealous advocacy skills. More often than not though, most legal problems can be solved outside of a courtroom using pragmatic skills and knowledge in a respectful manner. 


Nikki Kaasa


The 29th & Law, PC. chapter of my story began towards the end of 2021. I realized that I had a knack for practicing in the CHIPS world, and West Central Minnesota always needs more CHIPS attorneys who truly understand the laws and complexities of juvenile protection. I am currently one of two court appointed attorneys for CHIPS, civil commitment, guardianship/conservatorship, and child support contempt matters in Otter Tail County. I also accept appointments for those types of matters in other counties as my case load allows for. More recently, I began doing part-time Public Defender work in criminal cases out of Douglas County. On top of my court appointed work, I accept cases on a private basis for CHIPS and criminal cases across the State of Minnesota.